Dying Technologies: IRC
It was just before the day break on a lovely Sunday night, that I realised, I was facing two big issues: first, I was stuck with a dynamic public IP; second, sleep was hitting me hard. I had just successfully pulled an all nighter to set up my home server, with an Arch Linux running in a headless mode, powering my archaic pentium Core 2 Duo machine. All of my data had been categorically listed and filed into my new home 'Server', which I conveniently named 'The Upside Down' drawing inspirations from the nerdy Netflix series: The Stranger Things. Like every other human being, I also grew a bit greedy after I had set up my local server. I wanted to access it from the wild, from the comfort of my bus ride, where I could sync files, dump pictures and everything else I could think of, while being on a mobile network. The only problem seemed to be the ever changing dynamic IP of my home network which somehow devised ways to disappear from my prying eyes. The Dynami...