The Chronicles of Circle CI - Headless Chrome
With my level of patience, I would say running an automated end to end test in circle CI ( v1.0, yes, I am still living in the yesteryears) is quite a nerve wrecking experience. Our requirement was simple - to be able to run end-to-end tests using protractor wrapper over selenium running chrome headless.
Out of the box syndrome
The first trial run was setting up the end-to-end execution in native circleCI environment. CircleCI
comes shipped with Ubuntu 14.04
, Google-Chrome v54
, and Java1.8
& 1.7
. The default Java version under CircleCI is set to v1.7
We started the trial run by fixing the versions in native CircleCI environment, finalising onprotractor v5.2.2
, and upgrading webdriver-manager
, selenium
, chrome-driver
and gecko
( FireFox) drivers. The final fixed versions looked something like this:protractor v5.2.2
Update the drivers using
from node_modules/protractor/bin
webdriver-manager update --gecko false --versions.standalone 3.8.1 2.34
Fix the java version required by selenium, in CircleCI machine setup section of
machine: java: version: oraclejdk8
Google chrome needs to be updated, as, headless support was introduced from
Protractor configuration needs to be tweaked for chrome to run in headless mode.
With the changed driver versions, the
. google-chrome-stable
is available on a 3rd Party Repository, which can be installed by adding the PPA
or installing the .deb
package. We chose the .deb
approach.apt-get update && apt-get -y install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7
curl -L -o google-chrome.deb
dpkg -i ./google-chrome*.deb
apt-get install -yf
dpkg -i ./google-chrome*.deb
errors out due to unmet dependencies. apt-get intall -yf
is a required step as it does the real installation by pulling up chrome's dependencies.Protractor configuration needs to be tweaked for chrome to run in headless mode.
"chromeOptions" : { "args": [ 'headless' ] }
With the changed driver versions, the
is required to be manually startedwebdriver-manager start --versions.standalone 3.8.1 2.34 &
This starts the selenium server in the background, and the end-to-end testing can begin.
protractor ./protractor_conf.js
Docker to the rescue
The above approach did help us in triggering the end-to-end tests in CircleCI, but with more GUI heavy frontend, chrome headless crashes with
session not available
or chrome not available
error. This was due to the limited size of /dev/shm
that was given to the CircleCI docker. Spinning up a docker image was one of the solutions which we stumbled upon. The docker image had just one dedicated purpose; to run end-to-end tests. It also helped us in having a uniform environment to run end-to-end tests across environments.FROM openjdk:8 ARG NODE_ENV # replace shell with bash so we can source files RUN rm /bin/sh && ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh # update the repository sources list # and install dependencies RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install ssh git ca-certificates curl build-essential -y \ && apt-get -y clean autoclean \ && apt-get -y autoremove \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # nvm environment variables ENV NVM_DIR /usr/local/nvm ENV NODE_VERSION 6.10.1 # install nvm # RUN curl -o- | bash RUN ls /usr/local/nvm # install node and npm RUN source $NVM_DIR/ \ && nvm install $NODE_VERSION \ && nvm alias default $NODE_VERSION \ && nvm use default # add node and npm to path so the commands are available ENV NODE_PATH $NVM_DIR/v$NODE_VERSION/lib/node_modules ENV PATH $NVM_DIR/versions/node/v$NODE_VERSION/bin:$PATH # confirm installation RUN node -v && npm -v ADD ./ ./ RUN sh ./ RUN npm install CMD ["/bin/bash", "./node_modules/.bin/protractor ./protractor_conf.js"]
We used a prebuilt image for
The docker image now could be built and run as an independent unit and solved the shared memory (
The protractor configuration need to be updated to support running of headless chrome under the root user from the docker context.
Build and spin up the docker Image.
Java 1.8
) which made the original machine setup in CircleCI (circle.yml
) obsolete. We also tucked away chrome installation into a bash script.The docker image now could be built and run as an independent unit and solved the shared memory (
) issue faced during earlier trials by mounting a local folder as the shared memory location.The protractor configuration need to be updated to support running of headless chrome under the root user from the docker context.
"chromeOptions" : { "args": [ 'headless', '--no-sandbox' ] }
Build and spin up the docker Image.
docker build -t app/e2e:latest . docker run -v $HOME/tmp-shm:/dev/shm -i -t app/e2e
The Lost Artefacts
One thing which was available in the native CircleCI setup was the ability to save test outcomes, and build artefacts, but by running tests under docker the artefacts and test results lived and died within the dockers context. Volume mounting seemed like a viable option, but it din't achieve the desired result. After digging around a lot we figured out that CircleCI doesn't support folder/volume mounting. The document around mounting folders in CircleCI v2.0 proved useful in our quest.
And, finally an acceptable build candidate to run end-to-end test was conceived.
-- A special shoutout to Smriti Tuteja who survived along with me searching and documenting the process.
And, finally an acceptable build candidate to run end-to-end test was conceived.
docker build -t app/e2e:latest . docker run -v $HOME/tmp-shm:/dev/shm --name app-e2e -i -t app/e2e
docker cp app-e2e:/output ${CIRCLE_TEST_REPORTS}/
-- A special shoutout to Smriti Tuteja who survived along with me searching and documenting the process.
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